We provide educators, academic institutions, and learners of all ages with free access to the Solid Edge portfolio of easy-to-learn and easy-to-use software tools for product development, problem-based curriculum resources, educator training, on-demand tutorials, and industry certification.

Hour of Engineering
Inspire students to explore engineering
Introducing the Hour of Engineering, a new online learning resource for middle school educators to help spark student interest in STEM. Access standards-aligned content and guided lessons that make classroom learning engaging and fun.
Academic Software
Solid Edge Academic Institution Bundle
Our complete Solid Edge portfolio is available to academic institutions free of charge via the Siemens grant process. The academic bundle includes:
Solid Edge Premium
Our ultimate 3D CAD package, including simulation, electrical routing, pipe, and tube routing.
Solid Edge Simulation Advanced
Built-in finite element analysis (FEA) solution that allows users to digitally validate parts and assembly design, reducing the need to create physical prototypes.
Solid Edge CAM 5-Axis Mill
Extensive capabilities for simultaneous multi-axis cutting of complex surfaces, including both automatic and manual methods, multiple drive options and a variety of tool axis controls.
Solid Edge Wiring & Harness Design
Solid Edge delivers powerful wiring and harness design capabilities with seamless ECAD/MCAD integration.
Solid Edge P&ID Design
Design automated pipe systems using an automated process and intelligent database while supporting industry standards.
Solid Edge Piping Design
Automatically generate complete piping systems and bill of materials using a comprehensive 3D standard parts library.
Solid Edge Model Based Definition
Define parts and assemblies using interactive 3D models and reduce the need for complex 2D drawings while maintaining compliance with industry standards.
Solid Edge 3D Publishing
Create customizable multi-page technical documents and interactive product illustrations.
Take full advantage of the Solid Edge Academic Institution Bundle.
Apply for a Siemens grant →
Solid Edge Software for Teachers
Educators who have not yet applied for the Academic Institution Bundle can download a free version of Solid Edge for independent study or classroom instruction.
Solid Edge Resources for Students
Solid Edge students have access to a free version of the same easy-to-use software suite used by professionals, as well as free learning resources, including project-based tutorials.
Featured Story
A young designer finds her calling through Solid Edge
Curriculum Resources
Secondary School Curriculum
Project-Based Learning
One of the many benefits of STEM education is the integration and application of cross-curricular learning. This allows students to understand the relevance of content learned in their core subjects, usually studied as standalone courses in secondary school. The most effective way to make curriculum rigorous and relevant is with a comprehensive and integrated project-based design. This curricula design helps students answer the questions “Why do I need to know this?” and “where will I ever use this?” It also prepares students to make a seamless transition to a two- or four-year college degree or industry certificate.
A project-based learning curriculum allows for deep exploration of a problem. Each project is designed to allow student teams to develop distinct solutions to the same problem. The problem presents the student with an opportunity to plan, organize and conduct research. “Enabling Activities” can provide students with required knowledge and skills “just in time” so they may proceed to a viable solution to the problem. Students utilize their research in the design, prototyping, testing, evaluation and redesign of a solution.

Siemens offers multiple courses which adhere to the Project-Based Learning methodology and are designed to educational standards. These courses can each be used as a standalone full-year course or taught in a semester double period block schedule.
The following features are included as part of the curricula design:
- Project- and problem-based
- Integrated using the latest College and Career Readiness Standards and Next-Generation Science Standards
- Require students to do research, design and development, and communication of design solutions
- Use the engineering problem-solving process
- Require students to keep an engineering notebook
- Appropriate for all students
- Provide schools with a list of supplies for all course projects
Engineering Design Course
This introductory engineering design course challenges students to work in teams in order to solve real-world design problems. Students research, design, develop, and communicate design solutions. Teams learn the fundamentals of CAD software and use that software to prepare and evaluate designs. The course makes extensive use of 3D printing so students can see the physical manifestation of their designs and explore “design for manufacturing” concepts.
This course prepares students for Solid Edge Certification (Level 1).
Manufacturing & Automation Course
This course is designed for students who have completed the Engineering Design course. It provides students with experience creating a design, preparing the design for machining and designing the manufacturing automation necessary to control processes. This course utilizes Siemens software as a tool for problem-solving and preparing solutions.
This course prepares students for Siemens PLC and Solid Edge Certification.
Mechatronics & the Internet of Things (IoT)
This course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of how different systems work together. It will engage students in the application of design, electricity/electronics, computer science, manufacturing, automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and secure machine-to-machine communications across the internet. Students collaborate in teams to research problems and develop solutions in to Industry 4.0 and Web 4.0 problems.
Engineering Research & Design
This course challenges students to form teams to identify, research, and create a unique solution to an existing problem. Teams will work to gauge market interest in their proposed solution and will be responsible for developing and documenting research as it applies to the creation of a prototype solution to their identified problem.
Student teams design a business model for creation of the product and apply lean design concepts to develop a plan for manufacture. Teams explore concepts of lean manufacturing and statistical process control (SPC) and how Six Sigma is used to keep waste to a minimum and maximize profits.
At the end of the course, students present the results of their research, prototype development, business plan, and how they optimized the manufacturing process.
University & Technical College Curriculum
Introduction to Engineering Graphics Course
This course is designed to be an introductory engineering graphics class for first-year university and technical college students who are seeking degrees in mechanical engineering or product design.
- The goal of this course is to enable educators to teach students how to work confidently and competently with 3D CAD software, while developing the mechanical foundation they need to progress in their education and career.
- This course is an introduction to 3D CAD for educators who are new to the subject and targeted towards first-year university and advanced high school programs.
- The emphasis of this course is on core engineering graphics concepts peppered with artistic overtones, built around an environment conducive to creative 3D thinking and problem-solving.
- This course is structured in a step-by-step PPT guide with embedded video files and provides exercises and activities designed to build skills in a logical sequential order. Designed to be used in a face-to-face classroom setting or distance online learning. Content includes: Introduction to Solid Modeling, Part, Assembly, Detail Drawings, and Motion.

Solid Edge training for educators
Our online training programs help students develop career-ready critical thinking and problem-solving skills by equipping STEM educators with tools, strategies and confidence to engage students in hands-on, real-world learning.
Siemens Learning Center
Our free Solid Edge for Education and Community Library, located within the Siemens Learning Center, includes a comprehensive library of on-demand learning materials, covering everything from basic sketching techniques to advanced product design topics. This library enables students to learn the Solid Edge software through short, topical lessons that can be used for self-paced learning or incorporated into instructor-led lesson plans. All content has been designed to help learners prepare for Solid Edge Certification and subsequent career advancement.
The library offers 9 learning paths, comprised of 1300+ topics, 190+ individual chapters, and 70+ hours of video content.

Solid Edge Certification
A Solid Edge Certification provides you with an industry-recognized credential that demonstrates proficiency with Solid Edge software and distinguishes you within the Solid Edge design community.
We offer three levels of Solid Edge certification: Associate, Professional, and Expert.

Student Competitions
To further aid and accelerate students learning, Siemens is proud to support STEM-based competition programs. These extracurricular programs provide real-world context for learning that is fun, while encouraging creativity, critical thinking and team-building.
FIRST Robotics
FIRST® inspires designs, develops and delivers program-based learning. True to its name, FIRST inspires students’ interests in science and technology and provides hands-on learning to help students develop the essential job skills that will be required of the next generation while having fun at the same time.
The Greenpower program and curriculum were developed to advance education in the subjects of engineering and technology for young people, ages 9 to 25. This is achieved through a unique hands-on project that enables students to design, build, and race electric cars. As the title sponsor, Siemens is proud to support Greenpower and provides Solid Edge software to participating schools and students free of charge.
Access Greenpower x Solid Edge resources →
F1 in Schools Global STEM Competition
F1 in Schools™ is a global multi-disciplinary challenge in which teams of students aged 9 to 19 use CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyze, manufacture, test, and then race miniature compressed air powered model F1 cars, designed to very specific and stringent qualifying specifications.
Download this tutorial to experience designing this example car in Solid Edge.
Solar Car Challenge
The Solar Car Challenge was established to help motivate students in science and engineering, and to increase alternative energy awareness. The Challenge teaches high school students around the world how to build roadworthy solar cars. As the sponsor, Siemens is proud to support Solar Car Challenge and provides Solid Edge software to participating schools and students free of charge.

Design a garden bird house
Level: Middle School, High School | Difficulty: Beginner
Use our 3D CAD tutorial to design a garden bird house using CAD principles, sketching, assemblies, and exploded part views.

Create a rocket with advanced CAD design
Level: High School | Difficulty: Intermediate
Learn the advanced CAD design principles with our tutorial to build a rocket, using sketching, holes, assemblies, sheet-metal design, and a bill of materials.

Build a front loader with parts, drawings and assemblies
Level: High School | Difficulty: Intermediate
This tutorial introduces all of the core abilities of Solid Edge: modeling parts, creating assemblies and creating detailed drawings.
Free Software for Students
Solid Edge Student Edition
From elementary school students to college-age, homeschoolers, self-learners, and afterschool club members, the Solid Edge Student Edition is the same software used by professionals—free to any active learner.
Solid Edge CAM Pro Student Edition
Try the free version of our professional Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software for students. It is available free of charge, enabling students to learn and practice using the same professional Numerical Control (NC) programming solution used by industry-leading manufacturers around the world.
Additional STEM Classroom Resources

Wind Power
This comprehensive STEM resource delivers structured teaching and learning activities on Wind Power. Students will learn the science and engineering behind wind power and how to design a working wind turbine in Solid Edge. This resource comprises both introductory and advanced project activities complete with Teacher guides, presentations, student resources, Solid Edge tutorials, and datasets.

Introduction to FEA
This project introduces students to forces in materials, physical testing, and finite element analysis (FEA). The project includes comprehensive teacher notes, classroom materials, step-by-step tutorials, and homework tasks. This project is suitable for all schools, including Greenpower Challenge participants.

STEM Lectures
This collection of four classroom lectures address key areas of the STEM curriculum in secondary education. Developed by teachers for teachers, these lectures include classroom presentations, teacher notes, student activity sheets, and homework tasks.
Download Electrical Conductors lecture ⭳