Model-Based Definition and PMI for 3D Models
Solid Edge MBD and Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) capabilities provide streamlined tools to detail 3D models quickly and easily, and seamlessly share 3D model intelligence for downstream manufacturing processes and other relevant stakeholders.

Solid Edge Model-Based Definition
Solid Edge Model Based Definition allows for quicker manufacturing documentation, as 3D models that include PMI and associated metadata are communicated via universal 3D PDF, resulting in clearer manufacturing communications compliant with industry standards. 3D PDF files derived from Solid Edge can be published directly from the drafting environment, and PMI can be exchanged between manufacturer and supplier (or engineering and manufacturing departments) without requiring them to be in the same environment.

Solid Edge Advanced PMI
Solid Edge Advanced PMI delivers high-quality consistent dimensioning for downstream PMI applications and enhances the creation of detailed 3D models quickly and easily. The ability to automatically arrange and check dimensions on a 3D model quickly and efficiently results in increased productivity and higher quality PMI. Sharing 3D model intelligence for downstream manufacturing processes and other relevant stakeholders is seamless, and the communication between the design and manufacturing processes is clear and concise as a result.

Solid Edge Inspector
Solid Edge Inspector saves time and money during the manufacturing process by cutting out the risk of human error. Inspector automatically labels, identifies, and extracts critical design characteristics as well as generating inspection reports, such as First Article Inspections. The automated nature of Inspector allows for a seamless downstream manufacturing process by eliminating errors that can occur further in the manufacturing process.
See Solid Edge Model Based Definition in Action
Solid Edge Model Based Definition and Advanced PMI provide the tools to detail 3D models quickly and easily, and seamlessly share 3D model intelligence for downstream manufacturing processes and to other relevant stakeholders.
Save time and money in manufacturing by eliminating errors in inspection and streamlining the quality and inspection planning process using Solid Edge Inspector.