Convergent Modeling in Solid Edge

Convergent Modeling supports b-rep modeling operations on facet bodies without conversion
Solid Edge seamlessly combines traditional “b-rep” solid models with triangular mesh models without time-consuming and error-prone conversions. Convergent Modeling by Siemens allows for traditional b-rep operations on digitally scanned 3D data and models born out of generative design, reducing rework while supporting modern additive manufacturing processes for complex shapes.
Work on mesh models with the same commands you use on b-rep models
Convergent modeling enables you to work seamlessly with the mesh-based models created using generative design and reverse engineering. Perform traditional operations on:
Current Topics
Facet data has become more common and valuable in engineering workflows, with the emergence of high precision, low cost, 3D scanning, medical scanning and 3D printing. But the benefits of using facet data are reduced by the need for one-way, one time conversion to b-rep format, which is often time-consuming and error prone for numerous technical reasons.
Modelowanie konwergentne umożliwia stosowanie danych geometrii płaszczyznowej w przepływach informacji dotyczących modeli b-rep bez konieczności wykonywania konwersji i z zachowaniem wszystkich korzyści oferowanych przez obie technologie.
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