Items tagged with Electrical Routing

Bringing a robot bartender to market 2.5 times faster by eliminating design inconsistencies and streamlining development
CHALLENGES Design and prototype a fully autonomous robotic bartender called Yanu Eliminate design inconsistencies between designers and engineers KEYS TO SUCCESS Use a single platform for product development data Balance robotic innovation and function…

Rozwiązywanie zmian w układzie elektrycznym
Usprawnienie współpracy ma kluczowe znaczenie przy tworzeniu współczesnych produktów. Pobierz nasz darmowy e-book i dowiedz się, jak podejść do kwestii zmian w układach elektrycznych.

Introduction to Wiring Your FIRST Robot
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use electronic routing in Solid Edge to add wire paths and physical wires to a FIRST® robot. To demonstrate this process, we will be using an award-winning FIRST robot, courtesy of Team 3339-BumbleB from Israel.

3D increases design efficiency for water treatment system supplier
ProMinent Slovensko transforms from component supplier to complete water systems provider with Solid Edge.

Resolving electrical system changes
Improving collaboration in electrical design is critical to developing modern products. Download our free eBook to learn how Solid Edge can help you resolve electrical system changes.

Adding Intelligence to Electrical Systems
Learn how to overcome constraints in electrical design in our free eBook about intelligent electrical systems.

Automatic Electrical Routing
Solid Edge capabilities for automatic electrical routing allow you to create, route and organize wires, cables and bundles in an assembly.