Free software for students
Solid Edge Student Edition
From elementary school students to college-age, homeschoolers, self-learners, and afterschool club members, the Solid Edge Student Edition is the same software used by professionals—free to any active learner.
Solid Edge CAM Pro Student Edition
Try the free version of our professional Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software for students. It is available free of charge, enabling students to learn and practice using the same professional Numerical Control (NC) programming solution used by industry-leading manufacturers around the world.
Siemens Learning Center
Our free Solid Edge for education and community library, located within the Siemens Learning Center, includes a comprehensive library of on-demand learning materials, covering everything from basic sketching techniques to advanced product design topics. This library enables students to learn the Solid Edge software through short, topical lessons that can be used for self-paced learning or incorporated into instructor-led lesson plans. All content has been designed to help learners prepare for Solid Edge Certification and subsequent career advancement.
The library offers nine learning paths, comprised of 1300+ topics, 190+ individual chapters, and 70+ hours of video content.

Solid Edge online courses
Get started with one of our featured online courses—available to learners of all ages.

Solid Edge Simulation: Finite Element Analysis
Learn the application of finite element analysis (FEA) in Solid Edge Simulation to analyze, visualize, and optimize designs before even producing a prototype.

Finding the Art in Engineering
Explore the artistic and creative side of Engineering with this course which provides a perfect blend of art, creative thinking, design concept, and engineering.

Generative Modeling
Generative design is a radical departure from conventional design practices and is by definition the creation of shapes decided by a set of rules, or in other words, software algorithms. In this course, you will learn how to optimize products for minimal mass with goal-driven generative design.

Solid Edge Subdivision Modeling
Learn advanced design techniques, such as subdivision modeling, generative design, and 3D printing to create great products.

Solid Edge Convergent Modeling
An overview of Convergent Modeling, and how to combine Mesh and b-rep data, reverse engineer b-spline curves, and much more.

Design a garden bird house
Level: Middle School, High School | Difficulty: Beginner
Learn 3D CAD principles to design a garden bird house using sketching, assemblies and exploded part views.

Create a rocket with advanced CAD design
Level: High School | Difficulty: Intermediate
Learn advanced CAD design principles to build a rocket using sketching, holes, assemblies, sheet-metal design and a bill of materials.

Build a front loader with parts, drawings and assemblies
Level: High School | Difficulty: Intermediate
This tutorial introduces you to all of the core abilities of Solid Edge: modeling parts, creating assemblies, and creating detailed drawings.

Introduction to wiring your FIRST robot
Level: All Ages | Difficulty: Intermediate
Learn how to use electronic routing in Solid Edge to add wire paths and physical wires to a FIRST® robot.

FIRST 2020 Field of Play
Level: All Ages | Difficulty: Intermediate
Discover 3D models of field parts and assembly models in Solid Edge.

Assemble a robot kit chassis
Level: All Ages | Difficulty: Intermediate
Learn how to create assembly relationships in Solid Edge to assemble a Robot Kit Chassis by AndyMark®, including how to add a virtual motor and gearbox.
Greenpower – A Momentous Race
Follow the story of Sean and his team of high school students who built a world class Greenpower car in Solid Edge.