Results: 344

Items tagged with Projektowanie 3D

Brigham Young University Brigham Young University | USA

Students in PACE program use PLM software to design and build a Formula One™ racecar

Maker: Jim Kemp i3 Detroit Maker Space | Detroit, IL

i3Detroit Maker Space: Jim Kemp

Jim Kemp, a Detroit maker by trade, uses Solid Edge to teach his students how to design and produce parts using Solid Edge capabilities for CAM and 3D printing.

i3Detroit Maker Space: John Anderson i3 Detroit Maker Space | Detroit, IL

i3Detroit Maker Space: John Anderson

John Anderson, a skilled craftsman and engineer, uses Solid Edge software to build gyrocopters and other flying remote control vehicles.

i3Detroit Maker Space: Evan Alan i3 Detroit Maker Space | Detroit, IL

i3Detroit Maker Space: Evan Alan

Evan Allen, a lifetime maker and fixer-upper, uses Solid Edge for design to produce cars and car parts, bumper stickers, lighting, windows, and so much more.

i3Detroit Maker Space i3 Detroit Maker Space: Jamie Burdeski | Detroit, IL

i3Detroit Maker Space: Jamie Burdeski

i3Detroit uses Solid Edge to enable 2D and 3D design, 3D printing and manufacturing, and cloud-based project collaboration for hobbyists and makers.

Mobile Glass Blowing Studios LLC Mobile Glassblowing Studios, LLC | USA

Mobile Glassblowing Studios transforms an industry with affordable, accessible furnaces

Mobile Glassblowing Studios uses Solid Edge to reduce lead time, improve product quality, and provide clearer communication.

Stöckli Swiss Sports Stöckli Swiss Sports |

Carving on the Edge

Watch the Solid Edge „Carving on the Edge” video to see creative applications of our software to inspire you to new heights.

Energywin Energywin Technologies | India

Efficiencies of 3D-based process boost productivity and accelerate design

Gruppo Bertolaso Gruppo Bertolaso | Italy

3D technology supports Gruppo Bertolaso in the development of bottling equipment

Case Study Labeling machine manufacturer retools product development process Gruppo Bertolaso S.p.A. (Gruppo Bertolaso) was founded in 1880 in Zimella near Verona, Italy, by Bortolo Bertolaso. The engineer was a great sponsor of developments and invent…

Makers learn how easy CAD can be: Solid Edge at the i3Detroit Maker Space i3 Detroit Maker Space | Detroit, IL

i3Detroit Maker Space

Learn how the i3 Detroit Maker Space uses our monthly subscriptions to design awesome things for awesome people.

Hutton Hutton Technologies | UK

Optimized Design for Manufacturing & Sustainability

Action Construction Action Construction | India

Maintenance, Enhancement & Support

Maintenance, enhancement and support agreements help Action Construction provide their users with tools and technology to improve their company’s product development.

Sankyo Research and Development Sankyo | Japan


Solid Edge helps Sankyo R&D better manage cost.

Huntsville Center of Technology Huntsville Center of Technology | USA

Using Solid Edge helps HCT put together a successful run at Greenpower electric car event

University of Tokyo RoboTech University of Tokyo RoboTech | Japan

Using Solid Edge helps students build a reliable, winning robot

Students excel using “team design process” “When we employed CAD to advance the design, we felt we were using our brains in a new, more enlightening way. Because we were using Solid Edge to design the robot, we could get a precise image of the robot, w…