Items tagged with CAD Drawing and Drafting

Recreational vehicle manufacturer digitalizes concept of camper van
CHALLENGES Design leading RVs Create and verify complex and innovative designs Present vehicles under development Use CAD data in sales and assembly documentation KEYS TO SUCCESS Build complete digital twin of vehicles Use Solid Edge for 3D product des…

Accelerated consumer product development to speed your time to market
Ricardo Espinosa from Kimball Hospitality on the shop floor Managing product innovation for consumer products How do you accelerate consumer product development time to market to meet the external business pressures of today’s manufacturing environment…

Keep up with the latest trend in modular plant design
Modular plant design webinar with focus on customer requirements management Modular plant design focusing on customer requirements management Mechanical and modular plant designs involve complex interaction and management of customer requirements. Sinc…

CFD webinar : Are you using CFD during design?
Why not? Frontloading CFD in the design process As products grow more complex, include more electronics and require more energy efficiency, more is expected of design engineers including CFD. For many, simulation provides valuable insight to provide en…
Projektowanie elementów elektromechanicznych w pełnym tego słowa znaczeniu
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Electromechanical Design as It Is Meant to Be
Download the white paper today!

The Hero Lab brings an artistic approach to sheet metal
Learn about how the Solid Edge Startup Program helped The Hero Lab integrate new technologies and reach out to their customers.
Solid Edge streamlines metallurgical machinery design
Siemens VAI takes full advantage of Solid Edge, from 3D mockups to fast drawing production, to serve the customers all over the world.

Packaging machine manufacturer uses 3D CAD to design new machines
Solid Edge enables Doroti Pack to build premium-quality packaging solutions for food products.

Baking equipment manufacturer uses Solid Edge to simplify product design
Baking equipment manufacturer Sanneng uses Solid Edge for faster, easier, and more sustainable product design.

Solid Edge OEM Data Sheet
Leverage decades of development and partner with a global leader in industrial software solutions. Learn about Solid Edge OEM today.

Automatic Electrical Routing
Solid Edge capabilities for automatic electrical routing allow you to create, route and organize wires, cables and bundles in an assembly.
Solid Edge Electrical Routing

Design a garden bird house
Use our free 3D CAD tutorial to design a garden bird house using CAD principles, sketching, assemblies, and exploded part views in Solid Edge.

Next Generation Design in Solid Edge 2019
Learn more about next generation design technologies and optimize products for minimal mass with goal driven generative design.