Items tagged with large assembly

优化产品设计 当今市场瞬息万变,轻量化设计至关重要。也许不仅有特定的设计目标和限制,同时还需要以最少的材料用量设计出更轻的组件。 此网络研讨会讲解的内容: 如何创建更轻的组件 减少下游制造中的材料浪费 创建适于铸造或高分辨率 3D 打印的高度定制设计 相关资料: 获取 Solid Edge 免费试用版

Zoptymalizuj swoje projekty pod kątem zmniejszenia masy produktów
Zadbaj o dobrą formę swoich projektów. Zoptymalizuj projekty swoich produktów Projektowanie pod kątem zmniejszenia masy produktu ma kluczowe znaczenie na współczesnym, stale zmieniającym się rynku. Pod uwagę trzeba wziąć specyficzne cele projektowe i o…

Optimize your product design for lightweighting
Get your product designs into shape. Optimize your product design Design for lightweighting is critical in today’s fast-changing marketplace. You have specific design goals and constraints while needing to design lighter components with minimal materia…

How to increase speed and improve quality of part manufacturing simultaneously
You will learn solid tips and techniques for major improvements in part manufacturing Automate part manufacturing Automated solutions that integrate front-office functions such as design and CAM with shop floor operations were once reserved for large i…

CFD webinar : Are you using CFD during design?
Why not? Frontloading CFD in the design process As products grow more complex, include more electronics and require more energy efficiency, more is expected of design engineers including CFD. For many, simulation provides valuable insight to provide en…

Five Tips for Large Assembly Performance
Five Tips for Large Assembly Performance, whether the assembly you are working with has 1,000 parts, or 100,000+ parts You will learn about good habits for modeling and managing CAD assemblies of all sizes. Five tips for large assembly performance Asse…

Solid Edge 대규모 어셈블리 모델링

Modelagem de Montagem Grande do Solid Edge

Modelowanie dużych złożeń w oprogramowaniu Solid Edge

Solid Edge Large Assembly Modeling
The power of Solid Edge shows with its large assembly capabilities, allowing for designs with more than 100,000 parts to handle any problem you encounter.

Solid Edgeによる大規模なアセンブリモデリング

Modellazione di assiemi di grandi dimensioni in Solid Edge

Modellieren großer Baugruppen in Solid Edge

Modélisation de grands assemblages avec Solid Edge