Resources Archive

So you have a great idea – now what? | Session 3
Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and bring your product to market successfully. A great idea is just the beginning. But how do you take your product from concept to market? In this eight-part series, product development expert John Devitry will sh…

So you have a great idea – now what? | Session 4
Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and bring your product to market successfully. A great idea is just the beginning. But how do you take your product from concept to market? In this eight-part series, product development expert John Devitry will sh…

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for product designers
Learn how to apply CFD early in the design process to review trends and eliminate less-preferred design options. Frontload CFDs into the design process and reduce overall design time by up to 75% Using Solid Edge Flow Simulation: Perform accurate and f…

제품 설계자를 위한 전산 유체 역학 (CFD)
CFD를 설계 프로세스 초기에 적용해 추세를 검토하고 선호도가 낮은 설계 옵션을 제거하는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오.

So you have a great idea – now what? | Session 5
Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and bring your product to market successfully. A great idea is just the beginning. But how do you take your product from concept to market? In this eight-part series, product development expert John Devitry will sh…
Diseño de chapa: ocho consejos rápidos para mejorar su técnica
Cuando trabajamos en el diseño de chapa, debemos hacer frente a una serie de retos únicos. Aunque, por regla general, las piezas se diseñan en su estado formado, empiezan como una placa o chapa planas. Como resultado, la viabilidad de fabricación se vu…
Проектирование деталей из листового металла: восемь советов по совершенствованию методов работы
При проектировании листовых деталей возникает целый ряд уникальных проблем. Как правило, детали проектируются уже в готовом виде, хотя изначально они представляют собой плоский лист. Критически важным вопросом является технологичность готовой детали и…
판금 설계: 기술을 개선하기 위한 여덟 가지 빠른 팁
판금 설계 작업 시 몇 가지 특별한 어려움에 직면하게 됩니다. 일반적으로 파트는 형성된 상태로 설계되지만, 평평한 판이나 시트로 시작합니다. 결과적으로 제조 가능성은 완성된 파트를 구성하는 모든 특징 형상의 중요한 측면이 됩니다. 뿐만 아니라 굽힘 및 코너 릴리프, 마이터 변형 기능, 중요 치수 (내부 또는 외부)와 더불어 재료 두께도 고려해야 하므로 문제는 어디서든 발생할 수 있습니다. 본 백서는 설계 기법을 개선하고 생산성을 높이며, 판금 설계…
Conceptions de pièces de tôlerie : huit conseils pour vous améliorer
Lorsque vous travaillez sur des conceptions de pièces de tôlerie, vous faites face à une série de défis inédits. La conception fait apparaître les pièces sous leur état usiné, mais elles commencent tout d’abord sous la forme d’une plaque dépliée ou « t…
进行钣金设计时,您会面临一系列独特的挑战。尽管零部件通常是在成形状态下设计的,但它们最初只是平板或片体。因此,可制造性成为构成成品零件各项特征的一个关键方面。除此之外,还要考虑材料厚度、折弯和拐角止裂槽、斜缝变形特征和关键尺寸(内部或外部),而容易出现挑战的方面也是显而易见的。 本白皮书讲述了可改善设计技术、提高生产力并准确、快速、轻松地完成钣金设计的八个技巧。 改善钣金设计的八种方法是什么? 处理钣金时采用以下技术可最大程度地利用您的 CAD 解决方案: 节省时间并避免钣金设计中的冗余 正确计算折…

So you have a great idea – now what? | Session 6
Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and bring your product to market successfully. A great idea is just the beginning. But how do you take your product from concept to market? In this eight-part Startup podcast series, product development expert John…
Vier Tipps für eine verbesserte Blechkonstruktion
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.
Quattro aspetti da considerare per la lavorazione delle lamiere
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.
Cztery kwestie, o których należy pamiętać podczas pracy z elementami blaszanymi
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.
Cuatro consideraciones para trabajar con chapa
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.