Resources Archive

Digitale Transformation in Produktdesign und -entwicklung
Dieser IDC InfoBrief untersucht die digitale Transformation und KMUs, einschließlich Richtlinien in Investitionsplänen für Produktdesign und -entwicklung.

Electromechanical Design as It Is Meant to Be
Download the white paper today!
Slc Registration Guide

The Ashley Kimbel Story
When a 17-year-old engineering student in Alabama wanted to create a better prosthetic foot for a wounded Marine Corps veteran, she turned to Solid Edge. Discover how a young designer found her calling.

Solid Edge 2021 Core CAD
Design at the speed of creative thought with orders-of-magnitude performance improvements in Solid Edge 3D CAD.

Solid Edge Wiring Design
Create fast, accurate 2D layout of industrial control panels with cabinet panel design capabilities included in Solid Edge Wiring Design.

Solid Edge 2D Nesting
Optimize development of nesting patterns with productivity and efficiency improvements included in Solid Edge 2D Nesting.

Subdivision Modeling in Solid Edge
Use subdivision modeling to design at the speed of creative thought. Advanced shape creation allows you to rapidly conceptualize your ideas.

Solid Edge Data Managment
Take control of your data with Solid Edge Shape Search, an add-on product module that enables designers to more efficiently reuse existing models.

Solid Edge Manufacturing
Speed up NC programming and maximize machine-floor investments with an online, searchable postprocessor database and 5-Axis adaptive milling in Solid Edge Manufacturing. for Solid Edge, powered by CADENAS
Streamline the process of finding 3D models using a next-dimension visual search engine – for Solid Edge.

Solid Edge 2021 Technical Publications
Create interactive technical documentation and illustrations directly from 3D design data fast and easy with Solid Edge Technical Publications.

Solid Edge Simulation
Optimize and validate design digitally with tighter integration between flow and structural simulation in Solid Edge simulation tools.

Delivering machine tool value
Delivering machine tool value Speed up NC programming and maximize machine-floor investments with new manufacturing enhancements in Solid Edge Manufacturing.

Experience the power of simulation tools from Solid Edge
Optimize and validate designs digitally with tight integration between flow and structural simulation in Solid Edge Simulation.