
ROI of Solid Edge
Solid Edge customers say they are seeing ROI of Solid Edge with design to support new products, creating Bills of Materials (BOMs) and more.

Digital Transformation in Product Design and Development
This IDC InfoBrief examines digital transformation and SMBs, including guidelines in investment plans for product design and development.

The Digital Transformation Guide for Aerospace Suppliers
In this new analyst report, The Digital Transformation Guide for Aerospace Suppliers, industry expert Lifecycle Insights, is a comprehensive digitalization guide for aerospace suppliers.

How to Select Essential Tools for Product Design
How do you gain a competitive edge in an increasingly saturated market? How to Select Essential Tools for Product Design Manufacturers must find new areas of differentiation, such as better, higher quality products, more personalization, improved servi…

The Hidden Cost of Swapping CAD Kernels from the Schnitger Corporation
This report from the Schnitger Corporation explains the importance of the CAD kernel and the costs involved in switching. Read it for free!

Improve budget and timeline performance with CAD collaboration in the cloud
How can better collaboration, leveraging online cloud improve CAD and product development performance? This survey-based report from Tech-Clarity investigates how leading companies leverage the cloud online for better online CAD and product development…