PCB Design & Collaboration in Solid Edge 2019

PCB Design & Collaboration in Solid Edge 2019

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Fully integrated 3D layout with placement, constraints, design rule checking (DRC) and photo-realistic visualization in Solid Edge for PCB Design and Collaboration minimizes MCAD iterations. Solid Edge PCB Design uses a complete set of 3D constraints with dynamic collision detection and batch verification to ensure error-free electromechanical design.

Accelerate design development

Solid Edge PCB Design provides schematic capture and PCB layout tools that provide sketch routing, hierarchical 2D/3D planning and placement, and ECAD-MCAD collaboration.

  • Accelerate development with bi-directional communication of incremental design changes and automated review and approval processes between electronics and mechanical domains
  • Visualize issues within a 3D PCB environment to perform domain checking, and identify potential interference violations in real-time
  • Quickly capture and map printed circuit boards, then verify and update designs between schematic and layout
  • Automate placement planning and management, and leverage capabilities such as auto-assisted interactive sketch routing, constraint-driven routing, and tuning of high-speed nets
  • Access libraries and parts repositories, with an easy connection to component databases for fast part searches and model downloads