Unexpected Design Changes

Unexpected Design Changes

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Changes in a design are a given and always strike at the worst time. In this video, you’ll learn how with Solid Edge, you can quickly apply unexpected design changes to save the day.

Design with freedom and agility

Synchronous technology in Solid Edge makes creating and editing 3D CAD models easier than ever before. Our software combines the speed and simplicity of traditional direct modeling approaches to product development, with the flexibility and control of parametric design.

Solid Edge allows you to rapidly create new concept designs, easily respond to change requests, and make simultaneous updates to multiple parts within your assemblies. With this design flexibility, you can eliminate cumbersome preplanning and avoid feature failures, rebuild issues, and time-consuming rework. In addition, the power of synchronous technology also allows you to treat multi-CAD data just like you would native files, supporting seamless collaboration with your suppliers and partners.

Leverage a proven solution for design and drafting

Solid Edge Design and Drafting is our basic 3D CAD and support package, with introductory part and assembly design, automated drawings, 3D print preparation and cloud-enabled productivity. Solid Edge is a comprehensive 3D design system that uses synchronous technology and convergent modeling to accelerate design, make revisions faster, and enable better re-use. With 3D CAD, simulation, and data management, Solid Edge helps you design better and complete projects faster.