Vítězství v závodech díky lepšímu návrhu v Solid Edge

Ten Kate Racing | Netherlands

Vítězství v závodech díky lepšímu návrhu v Solid Edge

How better CAD
design wins races

Solid Edge fuels innovation and empowers you to design without boundaries using synchronous technology, which helps you design faster and more intelligently, without the constraints of traditional 3D modeling. Solid Edge gives you fully functional mobile design and collaboration, with access to design processes anytime, anywhere. With a choice of purchasing options catered to your business needs, you can implement a powerful and intuitive 3D design portfolio on your terms.

White Paper

Five Tips for Large Assemblies

Whether your assembly is 1,000 parts, or 100,000, this white paper will give you five strategies that you can put into practice today to improve assembly performance, and will teach you good habits for modeling and managing CAD assemblies of all sizes.

assembly modeling
Cad Drawing

White Paper

CAD Drawings: Learn top techniques

Whether you’re an experienced drafter or you’re just getting started, this white paper will help you learn or refine basic drafting techniques to help you improve the manufacturability of your CAD drawings.


Four considerations when working with sheet metal

How can modern tools make it easier to work with sheet metal during both design and manufacturing? This new eBook, from industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal.

Sheet Metal