Industry Insights
Achieve faster and more efficient machine design with Solid Edge
Solid Edge software enables industrial machinery manufacturers of all sizes to streamline their design processes and meet these market pressures.
Accelerate the Industrial
Machinery Design Process
为了能在当今市场上脱颖而出,必须加快工业机械设计,以便可以让产品及早上市,并满足客户对优质、可靠设备的需求。Solid Edge 提供了一个高效、集成的 3D 设计平台,使您能够对设计执行虚拟测试,从而尽量减少制造问题,降低成本,并确保设备在恶劣环境中的耐用性和优异性能。
The Solid Edge Advantage
Solid Edge can help your company flourish in the demanding industrial machinery business environment. Industrial machinery companies using Solid Edge tools can:
实现工程过程的数字化。让整个产品开发流程数字化并转变业务模式。通过 3D 数字化模型简化工程过程。在整个产品开发生命周期中赋予 3D 模型更多智能。
凭借 3D CAD 加快机械设计。使用无历史记录的 3D CAD 同步建模技术。快速灵活地设计复杂的零件和装配。直接处理设计几何体并立即进行更改。
融合机电设计工作。使用行业认可的布线和线束设计功能,创建完全可工作、可加工的设计。帮助电气和机械工程师进行无缝 ECAD-MCAD 协同。
轻松制作钣金模型。通过 2D 草图创建 3D 钣金模型。使用改进的放样弯边和折弯凸缘止裂槽之类特有功能,构建复杂模型。
Create unique products based on organic shapes. Develop distinctive products using subdivision modeling technology without the need for expert knowledge. Solid Edge offers advanced capabilities for shape creation, manipulation, and analysis, with intuitive freeform modeling tools that create stylized shapes.
实现 3D 文档无纸化。通过基于模型的定义使用添加标注的 3D 模型而非 2D 图纸更加高效地沟通并降低制造成本。节省文档编制时间。
验证并改进产品性能。通过使用虚拟原型和新式集成运动和振动仿真的可扩展仿真工具,验证并改进产品性能。借助 XLIFF 语言翻译可在全球范围内沟通数字化设计文档。
实现模块化工厂设计的自动化。使用 3D 管道设计、全面的零件库和适用于工厂设计的完全自动化 Isogen® 绘图输出,实现模块化工厂设计工作的自动化。
简化数据重用和迁移。简化其他 CAD 解决方案中 3D 模型和 2D 图纸的重用和迁移。保持 3D 模型智能和 2D 图纸关联性。
轻松安全地管理数据。通过可扩展数据管理解决方案高效安全地搜索、管理和共享产品数据。借助内置数据管理和 Teamcenter 集成满足所有制造商的需求。
凭借 3D CAD、仿真、电气设计、制造和数据管理功能,Solid Edge 提供了经济实惠且易于使用的工业机械设计解决方案产品组合,帮助各公司更好地进行设计。
Streamline processes using a digital twin
An investment in digitalization can help small and medium-sized businesses beat their competition in key product design and development areas. 3D digital models, or “digital twins,” can be created with data and intelligence added throughout the product lifecycle.
Digital models are especially important in the design of electromechanical products; they ease the collaboration efforts between mechanical and electrical domains to handle increasing electrical content. And, they provide easy access to customer and regulatory requirements throughout the product development process.
Customer Highlight
Reducing Design Time for Complex Industrial Machinery
Macchine Trasformazione Carta (MTC) designs, manufactures and supports industrial paper machinery. MTC has achieved up to a 50 percent faster design time for these complex machines using Solid Edge.
- Simplify and rationalize the installation, training and assistance activities
- Migrate from 2D to 3D
- Minimize design errors
- Reduce design time
Keys to Success
- Advanced 3D software
- Realistic preview visualization to improve machine ergonomics
- Technical features preview of the machine—weight and component interferences
- Enhanced design ability with up to 50 percent reduced design time
- Management of very complex assemblies—over 18,000 components