Items tagged with 3D設計

Design Re-use and Repurposing
Solid Edge enables to to re-use and re-purpose existing designs and components to save time and manufacturing costs.


Design Automation
See how Solid Edge Design Automation can allow you to create shortcuts within Solid Edge to quickly accomplish common or repetitive tasks.

Solid Edgeでの設計オートメーション

Simultaneous Editing Multiple Parts in an Assembly
Solid Edge synchronous technology allows for easy and quick simultaneous editing of multiple parts in an assembly. Learn more with this video.


Editing Imported 3D Data
See how Solid Edge allows you to import data from any source, including other platforms, and start making edits and adjustments right away.


Design Intent Recognition
The Solid Edge Design Intent and the Advanced Design Intent panels are the two tools that together reveal the true power of synchronous technology.


Quick response to late-stage design changes
When a late-stage design change stands between you and a deadline, Solid Edge synchronous technology allows you to quickly and easily make requested edits.


The Latest in Intuitive Design
Solid Edge 2019 from Siemens provides next generation product development for today’s engineers – learn more about the various tools and how they can help.


Faster, easier 3D models with Synchronous Technology
Get industry-leading part and assembly modeling tools and remove the constraints of traditional CAD with synchronous technology with Solid Edge.