Items tagged with Synchronous Technology

Addressing complexity with digital transformation
See how Wingcopter, Burgener, Yanu, Fiamma and eNovates are using Solid Edge to shape the future and transform their approach to product development.
如何更改建模方法,帮助您更快地创建新的概念设计?更轻松地响应更改请求?在同一装配中同步更新多个零件?重新思考传统方法,尝试使用同步建模技术,您有机会享受所有这些优势,甚至更多精妙之处。让我们来为您示范操作! 同步建模技术 本最佳实践指南通过实例操作介绍同步建模技术的优点,内容包括: 关键方法和用例的解释说明 三个分步式项目示例 “操作步骤”辅助视频,提供实时技巧 同步建模技术为您带来应用上的便利。它对您的设计工作起到辅助作用。它服务于您的工程团队。尝试这些简单示例,亲自体验吧!


Precision Timer uses Solid Edge to accelerate production processes, from design to delivery, by more than 30 percent
Fashion panache and creativity behind the FIYTA brand Shenzhen FIYTA Precision Timer Manufacturing Ltd. (Precision Timer), along with many other companies, is a part of the FIYTA Group. Every year, the Baselworld watch and jewelry fair, the preeminent…

Boat designers quickly capture customers’ preferences
Synchronous technology in Solid Edge provides Back Cove Yachts an unprecedented level of design fine-tuning by enabling them to rapidly capture customers’ preferences. Lobster boat heritage With design elements such as spoon-shaped bows and gently slop…

Synchronous Technology: Changing Your Modeling Approach for Better Designs
How can changing your modeling approach help you create new concept designs more quickly? More easily respond to change requests? Make simultaneous updates to multiple parts within an assembly? By rethinking traditional methods and giving synchronous t…
Solid Edge streamlines metallurgical machinery design
Siemens VAI takes full advantage of Solid Edge, from 3D mockups to fast drawing production, to serve the customers all over the world.

Packaging machine manufacturer uses 3D CAD to design new machines
Solid Edge enables Doroti Pack to build premium-quality packaging solutions for food products.

Baking equipment manufacturer uses Solid Edge to simplify product design
Baking equipment manufacturer Sanneng uses Solid Edge for faster, easier, and more sustainable product design.

Restaurant equipment manufacturer develops cutting-edge food delivery system with Solid Edge
Restaurant equipment manufacturer Hong Chiang Technology uses Solid Edge to reduce modeling time by one-third.

Siemens Digital Industries Software solution drives innovation for leading Vietnamese automotive component manufacturer
Cosmos Industrial increases productivity by 50 percent and reduces manufacturing time and costs through use of NX CAM.

Solid Edge selected over SolidWorks and Inventor
Solid Edge passes the test Trlby began using Solid Edge in 2001 after deciding to move away from Computervision’s Personal Designer in favor of parametric history-based modeling, the CAD trend of the 1990s. Trlby evaluated SolidWorks and Pro/Engineer,…

Green Box adopts Solid Edge to design turnkey plants
Case Study Green Box Industrial chiller specialist adopts Solid Edge to design turnkey plants Green Box With Siemens Digital Industries Software’s virtual prototype, Green Box has improved design-to-manufacturing integration Right-sizing to customer re…

Fast revisions and easy use of imported CAD data
Case Study Maker of explosives handling equipment creates new designs in half the time it took using history-based modeling Tread Solid Edge with synchronous technology allows for fast revisions to existing designs and very easy use of imported CAD dat…

Synchronous technology = CAD independence
Case Study Metallurgy specialist achieves 40 percent reduction in design time GALLEMÍ Using Solid Edge, company delivers continuously better services and solutions and significantly reduced costs Specialist in metallurgy GALLEMÍ SL was founded in Matar…