Results: 4
Items tagged with Requirements Management
Resource - Ebook
Migliorare la gestione e il tracciamento dei requisiti per prodotti complessi e team distribuiti
Come tracciare e gestire l’aumento esponenziale dei requisiti legati ai prodotti smart e connessi? Dimentica i fogli di calcolo, soprattutto quando devi gestire più progetti e coordinare diversi ingegneri. Gestione dei requisiti La capacità di registra…
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A better way to track and manage requirements for complex products and distributed teams
How do you track and manage the explosion of requirements that come with smart, connected products? Stop relying on spreadsheets—especially when managing multiple projects and coordinating numerous engineers. Requirements Management The ability to accu…
Doroti Pack | Hungary
Packaging machine manufacturer uses 3D CAD to design new machines
Solid Edge enables Doroti Pack to build premium-quality packaging solutions for food products.
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Requirements Management
Solid Edge Requirements Management is a powerful solution that helps your project managers save time and reduce costly mistakes.