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Items tagged with 电子书
Resource - 电子书
Solid Edge 创成式设计将高级拓扑优化集成到 Solid Edge 3D 建模工具包中,有助于设计师减轻组件重量,最大程度地减少下游制造方面的材料浪费。
Resource - 电子书
Resource - 电子书
Whether you would like to use 3D printing for your amusement or your income, whether you’re planning to create finished parts or to make prototypes, and whether you’ve downloaded a model or you’re creating one from scratch… your printing process will s…
Resource - 电子书
Resource - 电子书
移动设备上的 CAD
Resource - 电子书
4 considerations when working with sheet metal
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.
Resource - 电子书