Results: 4

Items tagged with 需求管理

Resource - 电子书


如何跟踪和管理智能、互联产品带来的需求激增?停止对电子表格的依赖,特别是在管理多个项目和对众多工程师进行协调时。 需求管理 能够准确地记录、维护和跟踪产品设计与制造流程中的关键原则对于符合质量标准而言至关重要。但需求管理的挑战在于记录、维护和跟踪智能、互联产品的关键设计任务。当然需要更多功能来管理复杂产品的复杂需求,但如何能在不影响开发的情况下,实施并采用更好的需求管理系统呢?只要采用正确工具,就可以无缝地将需求管理集成到产品开发过程中,这样就可以节省时间并减少成本高昂的出错情况,同时确保满足需求和…

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A better way to track and manage requirements for complex products and distributed teams

How do you track and manage the explosion of requirements that come with smart, connected products? Stop relying on spreadsheets—especially when managing multiple projects and coordinating numerous engineers. Requirements Management The ability to accu…

Doroti Pack Doroti Pack | Hungary

Packaging machine manufacturer uses 3D CAD to design new machines

Solid Edge enables Doroti Pack to build premium-quality packaging solutions for food products.

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Requirements Management

Solid Edge Requirements Management is a powerful solution that helps your project managers save time and reduce costly mistakes.