Items tagged with 2D Nesting

Bringing a robot bartender to market 2.5 times faster by eliminating design inconsistencies and streamlining development
CHALLENGES Design and prototype a fully autonomous robotic bartender called Yanu Eliminate design inconsistencies between designers and engineers KEYS TO SUCCESS Use a single platform for product development data Balance robotic innovation and function…

2D 嵌套的价值
2D 嵌套过程是指在一个切削平面上安排 2D 形状,目的是生产尽可能多的产品而又尽可能减少浪费。使用现代化嵌套算法优化的嵌套样式,减少预制时间、废料和成本。本电子书将探讨 2D 嵌套的自动化如何能够改进工作效率、生产率和盈亏底线。 2D 嵌套的价值 无论您是制作皮革制品还是钣金,生产鞋子还是造船,2D 嵌套都可以帮助改进质量并节省时间和资金。这种高效性可以助推您的业务命脉并直接关联盈亏底线,具体途径包括:增加订单、减少原材料开支并提高生产效率。 本电子书将讲解 2D 嵌套的价值、如何节省时间和资金、…

The value of 2D nesting
The process of 2D nesting is the organization of 2D shapes on a single cutting plane with the goal of producing as much product with as little waste as possible. The optimized nesting patterns, created using a modern nesting algorithm, reduce preparati…

2D Nesting in Solid Edge
Solid Edge 2D Nesting utilizes the most advanced and efficient nesting engine to generate best-in-class layouts optimized for two-dimensional cutting.