Results: 50
Items tagged with sheet metal design

Solid Edge OEM Data Sheet
Leverage decades of development and partner with a global leader in industrial software solutions. Learn about Solid Edge OEM today.

Four Considerations When Working with Sheet Metal
EBOOK Four Considerations When Working with Sheet Metal Sheet metal components can have deceptively complex manufacturing processes and the design process itself can be similarly tricky. How can modern tools make it easier to work with sheet metal duri…

Návrh plechových součástí

Diseño de envolventes de chapa


Conception de boîtiers en pièces de tôle

Konstruktion von Blechgehäusen

Progettazione di involucri in lamiera

シートメタル エンクロージャ設計

Projektowanie opraw części blaszanych

Projeto de Compartimento de Chapa Metálica

Проектирование корпусов из листового металла

판금 인클로저 설계

For Complete and Automated Sheet Metal Design
To meet unique sheet metal design challenges, Solid Edge streamlines sheet metal development, from CAD design to flat pattern and drawing development.