Develop product forms in a fraction of the time required with traditional products
The Solid Edge subdivision modeling environment generates a stylized body using a polygonal cage to control its shape. By continuously manipulating and subdividing the cage, you can add greater levels of detail and control until you have the shape you desire. Subdivision modeling provides a higher level of control than using polygons alone. It allows sharp edges in conjunction with smooth flowing surfaces.

Stylized design tools
Subdivision modeling techniques create complex geometry, which can be subdivided almost infinitely to give a shape flexibility. By continuously manipulating and subdividing an initial shape, you can add greater levels of detail to your design.

Model without compromise
After choosing from a variety of primitive shapes¸ subdivision modeling generates a stylized body using a polygonal cage to control its shape. The cage can be manipulated in a variety of ways using the Solid Edge steering wheel to create the intended shape.

Revolutionary shape development
Subdivision modeling allows you to develop product forms in a fraction of the time required with traditional products. Resulting shapes are high quality, associative, editable, and suited for use by downstream users of CAD data. No data conversion is required, and there’s no need to leave the Solid Edge environment.
Subdivision modeling will be very valuable for creating more stylized designs. I’m excited to see what our Industrial Designers will come up with.
– Jason Inglis, Sr. CAD System Administrator, Ditch Witch
See Subdivision Modeling in Action
Right-sized industrial design tools provide opportunities to develop distinctive products.
Subdivision Modeling in Solid Edge
In this demonstration, we show you how subdivision modeling in Solid Edge allows you to accelerate concepts using stylized design to create distinctive products.