REJOOL, a startup focusing on hydrogen compressors, has adopted the Siemens Xcelerator as a Service portfolio of industry software to help bring its PIONYR hydrogen compression technology to market.… Read more
Results: 185
Plastic Fischer adopts Siemens Xcelerator to reduce plastic waste in world oceans
Plastic Fischer working to reduce plastic waste in rivers, so it does not pollute our oceans and has adopted the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio to help scale its operations and bring the benefits of digital transformation to its product development and lifecycle management.… Read more
Leveraging a collaborative CAD environment to improve design efficiency and reduce project time by 30 percent
SKARTEK uses Solid Edge and Teamcenter to streamline design and communication, from quoting to manufacturing… Read more
Teaching students to think and learn using a real-world curriculum
Waseca High School uses Siemens curriculum to inspire students to explore engineering… Read more
Verbesserung der Entwicklungseffizienz bei elektrischen Fahrzeugladegeräten
HERAUSFORDERUNGEN Produkte in kürzerer Zeit entwickeln Integrieren disziplinenübergreifender Konstruktions-Workflows Beseitigen von Datensilos in der Produktentwicklung Verbesserung der Kommunikation mit Auftragsfertigern SCHLÜSSEL ZUM ERFOLG Implementierung integrierter Lösungen für die mechanische, elektrische und elektronische Konstruktion und technische Publikationen Unterstützung und Schulungen über ADOPT id PLM, einen Lösungspartner von Siemens ERGEBNISSE
Recreational vehicle manufacturer digitalizes concept of camper van
CHALLENGES Design leading RVs Create and verify complex and innovative designs Present vehicles under development Use CAD data in sales and assembly documentation KEYS TO SUCCESS Build complete digital twin of vehicles Use Solid Edge for 3D product design Create life-like renderings for marketing and sales Use VR for configuration and worker assistance RESULTS
Turning complex design concepts into a competitive advantage for building the world’s largest cruise ship
CHALLENGES Manage complexity in the design and integration of the largest and most complex cruise ships Remain competitive in a dynamically changing sector Implement a complete digitalization process KEYS TO SUCCESS Harness complexity via an integrated and open CAD digital twin Provide an object-centric BOM process Use Solid Edge to complement the overall digital process […]
Using cloud collaboration tool to reduce truck hoist design and development time by 80 percent
CHALLENGES Design a truck hoist with 25 percent more capacity Enable access to hoist design files regardless of location Streamline collaboration between engineering and management Facilitate collaboration process for CAD users and nonusers KEYS TO SUCCESS Access design files easily via cloud-based browser interface Use the app to streamline the hoist design and development process […]
Bringing a robot bartender to market 2.5 times faster by eliminating design inconsistencies and streamlining development
CHALLENGES Design and prototype a fully autonomous robotic bartender called Yanu Eliminate design inconsistencies between designers and engineers KEYS TO SUCCESS Use a single platform for product development data Balance robotic innovation and functionality within the Solid Edge environment Use modules for sheet metal design, data management, 3D printing and electrical routing to increase the […]
Digitale Prototypen verhelfen Nischenhersteller zu einer Absatzsteigerung von 500 Prozent
HERAUSFORDERUNGEN Entwicklung und Konstruktion zunehmend komplexer Maschinen Passform- und Funktionalitätsprüfung von Bauteilen großer Baugruppen Entwicklungszeit und Nachbearbeitungen reduzieren Kommunikation mit Kunden, Anbietern und Auftragsherstellern SCHLÜSSEL ZUM ERFOLG Innovationsförderung durch digitale Prototypen Beschleunigte Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Kostensenkung Verbesserte Service- und Wartungsdokumentation Sichern der Kundenfreigabe durch realistische Renderings ERGEBNISSE 500-prozentige Absatzsteigerung 300-prozentige Verbesserung der erfolgreichen Produkteinführung […]