Results: 3
Items tagged with 农业机械

挑战 设计和制造的机器复杂性越来越高 检查大型装配中组件的适配情况和功能 减少开发时间和返工 与客户、供应商和承包商进行沟通 成功的关键 数字化原型制作助力创新 加快新产品设计并降低成本 改善保养和维护文档记录 通过逼真的渲染功能为客户成交提供保障 成效 销量提高五倍 新产品发布成功率提高三倍 在承受供应链压力的情况下实现钣金组件 10% 的节约 开发新机器的速度比之前提高两到三倍 Red Ant Agri Engineering Red Ant Agri Engineering 向南非提供创新农业…

Hydrauvision uses simulation to deal with pressure during design
Hydrauvision’s products are put through the toughest of tests, as they are used in rugged environments and must withstand substantial operational and environmental stress. And because they’re used in offshore applications, the products must pass strict…

3D increases design efficiency for water treatment system supplier
ProMinent Slovensko transforms from component supplier to complete water systems provider with Solid Edge.