Items tagged with Conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO)

Améliorez la conception d’assemblage

Managing Large Assemblies
Improve the performance of CAD system when managing large assemblies. Learn how to simplify your models, plan your drawings and optimize display effects.

Gestion des grands assemblages

When to use history based, direct and synchronous modeling
Learn the three CAD modeling paradigms: direct, synchronous, and history-based modeling, then find out which of these approaches is best for your workflow.

ROI of Solid Edge
Solid Edge customers say they are seeing ROI of Solid Edge with design to support new products, creating Bills of Materials (BOMs) and more.

Design Challenges
How do your design challenges line up with competetors in your industry? View our full infographic for more information and see where you stand!

DEVELOP3D: The Importance of CAD Drawings
This vital eBook from industry expert DEVELOP3D describes key aspects that you should consider when looking at your drawing and documentation process.

La CAO en mobilité

CAD on Mobile Devices
This eBook will help understand what to expect from CAD on mobile devices, —including compute power, interaction style and performance and usability.

Techniques de mise en plan CAO
Dans le monde de l’ingénierie, les plans sont rois. Sans mises en plan, de nombreux modèles 3D seraient difficilement réalisables. Pour créer une mise en plan, vous n’avez plus besoin de passer des heures devant une table avec vos crayons, équerres, ra…

CAD Drawing Techniques
Download our free whitepaper to learn top CAD drawing techniques, whether your’re an experienced drafter or just getting started.

Portefeuille Siemens ST10

Solid Edge ST10
Solid Edge combines the speed and ease of direct modeling with the flexibility and control of parametric design, possible with synchronous technology.

Composants standard et catalogues de pièces

The Solid Edge Advantage: Standard and Catalog Parts
With 3D CAD, simulation, manufacturing and design management, Solid Edge provides an integrated portfolio of affordable and easy-to-use design solutions.