Items tagged with Conception 3D

La CAO en mobilité

Four considerations when working with sheet metal
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.

Quatre points à prendre en compte pour la conception de pièces de tôlerie
Sheet metal part design offers a set of challenges for the designer or engineer. This new eBook by industry expert DEVELOP3D, describes four considerations when working with sheet metal. Learn to move seamlessly from design to manufacturing.

Five Tips for Large Assembly Performance
Five strategies that you can put into practice to improve large assembly performance by improving CAD performance when you create and manage assemblies.

CAD Drawing Techniques
Download our free whitepaper to learn top CAD drawing techniques, whether your’re an experienced drafter or just getting started.

Techniques de mise en plan CAO
Dans le monde de l’ingénierie, les plans sont rois. Sans mises en plan, de nombreux modèles 3D seraient difficilement réalisables. Pour créer une mise en plan, vous n’avez plus besoin de passer des heures devant une table avec vos crayons, équerres, ra…

3D Printing Tutorial: Building a Wind Turbine
Download a 3D Printing tutorial to learn how to build a wind turbine. Discover the assembly, sync edits, 3D Printing, surfacing and engineering principles.

3D Printing Tutorial: Building a Wind Turbine
Download a 3D Printing tutorial to learn how to build a wind turbine. Discover the assembly, sync edits, 3D Printing, surfacing and engineering principles.

3D Printing Tutorial: Build a Row Boat
Use this Solid Edge 3D Printing tutorial to learn how to build a row boat. Discover sketching features, protrusions, assemblies, edits, and 3D Printing.

3D Printing Tutorial: Build a Row Boat
Use this Solid Edge 3D Printing tutorial to learn how to build a row boat. Discover sketching features, protrusions, assemblies, edits, and 3D Printing.

Construire une voiture de course. Ebauche, extrusions, assemblages, moteurs, vitesses, rapports de vitesse.

Additive Manufacturing Techniques
Create world class products using the latest 3D printing and additive manufacturing techniques.

Convergent Modeling
Convergent modeling in Solid Edge combines b-rep and facet modeling to create a seamless way to work with facet data.

Modélisation Convergente

Solid Edge ST10
Solid Edge combines the speed and ease of direct modeling with the flexibility and control of parametric design, possible with synchronous technology.