Resources Archive
Solid Edge 2021 Technical Publications
Solid Edge Technical Publicationsを使って、インタラクティブな技術文書やイラストを3D設計データから直接、素早く簡単に作成できます。

Solid Edge Wiring Design
Solid Edge Wiring Designのキャビネットパネル設計機能で、産業用制御盤の正確な2Dレイアウトを素早く作成できます。
Solid Edge 2021バーチャル発表会
NCプログラミングを高速化し、加工現場の投資効果を最大化するための拡張機能がSolid Edge Manufacturingに追加されました。

Solid EdgeのサブDモデリング
Solid Edge Manufacturing
オンラインで検索可能なポストプロセッサーデータベースとSolid Edge Manufacturingの5軸アダプティブ・ミリング機能を活用して、NCプログラミングを高速化するとともに、工場フロアへの投資を最大化
Solid Edge 2D Nesting
Solid Edge 2D Nestingはネスティング・パターンを容易に最適化し、生産性を向上します。
Solid Edge Simulation
Solid Edge Simulationは流体解析と構造解析を統合化し、設計をデジタルで最適化して検証できます。
CADENASの技術をベースとした for Solid Edge
次世代の視覚的な検索エンジンである for Solid Edgeを使用して、3Dモデルの検索プロセスを合理化
Solid Edge Features Design & Drafting Foundation Classic Premium Basic part and assembly design ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2D drafting ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Import/export to all popular 2D/3D file formats ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Synchronous Technology (intelligent direct editing) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Data man…

Accelerate CNC machining with advanced machining techniques
How do you accelerate CNC machining without sacrificing safety or control? Advanced machining techniques can help speed machining and reduce time-to-revenue. CNC Machining Advanced Machining Techniques Time is of the utmost importance for machine shops…

Overcoming Aerospace supply chain product development challenges
Aerospace suppliers globally are dealing with product development challenges, unlike anything they have seen before, including increasing cost pressures from OEMs, decreasing project timelines, and demanding industry regulations. In this webinar you wi…

So you have a great idea – now what? | Session 1
Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and bring your product to market successfully. A great idea is just the beginning. But how do you take your product from concept to market? In this eight-part series, product development expert John Devitry will sh…

So you have a great idea – now what? | Session 2
Learn how to overcome common pitfalls and bring your product to market successfully A great idea is just the beginning. But how do you take your product from concept to market? In this eight-part series, product development expert John Devitry will sha…