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Resources Archive
CAD Rápido e flexível com o Solid Edge e a Synchronous Technology
Быстрое и гибкое CAD-проектирование с помощью Solid Edge и синхронной технологии
CAD rápido y flexible con Solid Edge y Synchronous Technology
将 Solid Edge 与同步建模技术相结合,快速、灵活地进行 CAD 设计
Rychlý a flexibilní CAD – to je Solid Edge se synchronní technologií
CAO rapide et flexible avec Solid Edge et technologie Synchrone
Schnelle, flexible CAD-Konstruktion mit Solid Edge und Synchronous Technology
CAD veloce e flessibile grazie a Solid Edge e alla tecnologia sincrona
シンクロナス・テクノロジーを搭載したSolid Edge、高速で柔軟性の高いCAD
Solid Edge 및 동기식 기술을 사용한 빠르고 유연한 CAD
Unexpected Design Changes
Changes in a design are a given and always strike at the worst time. With Solid Edge, you can quickly apply unexpected design changes to save the day.