Greenpower x Siemens

Free Solid Edge Software for Students
From elementary school students to college age, homeschoolers, self-learners and afterschool club members, the Solid Edge Student Edition is the same software used by professional designers and engineers—free to any active learner.
Greenpower Projects
Guided Solid Edge tutorials and resources to ensure your success
Formula 24 kit-car
Students can download the Greenpower F24 kit-car. The Solid Edge part and assembly files contained in this zip file include all the parts that make up the Formula 24 kit car including the rolling chassis, batteries and motor.
Disclaimer: The files have been created in Solid Edge (ST9) to help teams using the Formula 24 kit-car and every attempt has been made to ensure the geometric accuracy of each component. However, it is the responsibility of users to check and validate the accuracy of each component for use in the development and production of their Greenpower vehicle.
Formula 24 Assembly Guide
This online assembly guide provides an easy to follow step-by-step guide to help students assemble the Greenpower Formula 24 kit car. This online guide includes assembly instructions, pictures, animations, parts list, and a list of required tools. The assembly guide can be used in conjunction with the Solid Edge model of the kit car (see above) and the Solid Edge mobile viewer, providing students with an interactive 3D model of the kit car.
Formula 24 Steering Geometry
This tutorial introduces students to key principles of automotive steering geometry such as caster, camber, tracking or toe, and Ackermann. Using Solid Edge and components of the F24 kit-car dataset, students can explore and understand the key aspects of wheel alignment and steering geometry.
Formula 24 kit-car body
This self-paced, step-by-step Solid Edge tutorial guides students through the process of designing a set of body panels for the Greenpower Formula 24 kit car. Solid Edge drawings of the flattened panels provide templates for fabricating the body panels from corrugated plastic sheet. This is a great tutorial to get started with both Solid Edge and the Greenpower Challenge.

STEM Classroom Lectures
This collection of four classroom lectures address key areas of the STEM curriculum in secondary education. Developed by teachers for teachers these lectures include classroom presentations, teacher notes, student activity sheets and homework tasks.
Download Electrical Conductors
Download Gears & Levers
Download Friction
Download Speed
Greenpower Steering Wheel
This STEM project includes comprehensive presentations, classroom material and step-by-step tutorials for a steering wheel design project. This project is suitable for all schools including those taking part in the Greenpower Challenge.
Greenpower Goblin Resources
The Greenpower Formula Goblin resources inspire 9- to 11-year-olds with dynamic 3D images, animation and CAD files viewable in free viewers.
Download Greenpower Goblin Resources
Free Solid Edge Viewer for Windows
Free Solid Edge iPad Viewer
Free Solid Edge Android Viewer
Greenpower Goblin Mk2
The Greenpower Goblin Mk2 is for Elementary schools (students aged 9 to 11 years old). The Solid Edge viewer allows students to explore, visualize and manipulate a fully detailed 3D model of the Goblin Mk2 kit-car.
Download Goblin Mk2 viewer file
Free Solid Edge Viewer for Windows
Free Solid Edge iPad Viewer
Free Solid Edge Android Viewer
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
The STEM project introduces students to forces in materials, physical testing and finite element analysis (FEA). The project includes comprehensive teacher notes, classroom material, step-by-step tutorials, and homework tasks. This project is suitable for all schools, including those taking part in the Greenpower Challenge.
Introduction to Mechanical Systems
The STEM project introduces students to the concepts of mechanical systems as a means of transmitting energy. The project includes comprehensive Teacher notes, classroom material, step-by-step tutorials and homework tasks. This project is suitable for all schools, including those taking part in the Greenpower Challenge.
Introduction to Surfacing
The STEM project introduces students to surface geometry and the concepts of surface modelling, providing an awareness of the different surfacing techniques and where there are advantages over solid modelling. The project includes comprehensive Teacher notes, classroom material, step-by-step tutorials and homework tasks. This project is suitable for all schools, including those taking part in the Greenpower Challenge.