리소스 라이브러리
Customer spotlight – Harsh International
Colorado-based Harsh International, Inc. manufactures farm machinery and other industrial equipment, including hydraulic truck hoists, feed, and dairy mixers, grinders, flakers, antennas, and more. As the name implies, these products are rugged, like the company’s history. Bud Harsh founded the business in the late 1940s. After saving the lives of sailors trapped in a sinking ship during World War II, he went on to build what is now a multimillion-dollar business. Over the years, the company has built on his legacy, growing with the times and expanding its operations to include in-house machining, water jets, laser cutting, and robotics.
Greenpower: Experience the fun of engineering first-hand
From grade school to university – from Great Britain to China and everywhere in between – Greenpower enables students around the world to learn about engineering and the environment, gain real-world experience and discover the power of teamwork.
Mechanical Design
Solid Edge 2024 continues to deliver enhanced workflows, promoting greater performance and increased productivity.
Unlock the power of your design data while future proofing your work with new interoperability enhancements in Solid Edge 2023.
Solid Edge 2023 continues to accelerate the design process by providing powerful tools to help digitally validate designs and build better products in less time by front loading the simulation process.
Solid Edge Inspector
Introducing Solid Edge Inspector. Save time and money in manufacturing by eliminating errors in inspection and streamlining the quality and inspection planning process.
Value-based Licensing
Access the Solid Edge add-on products you need, when you need them, with new Value-based Licensing. Choose which capabilities you want and when while mixing and matching add-on products as needed.
Transform your manufacturing and maximize your design data with the powerful, automated tools of Solid Edge’s fully integrated CAD/CAM solutions.
Model-based Definition
Solid Edge Advanced PMI and model-based definition capabilities provide new streamlined tools to detail 3D models faster and easier than ever before.
Technical Publications
Solid Edge 3D Publishing speeds the process of creating compelling and engaging technical documentation.
Cad Simulation Helps Hydrauvision Deal With Pressure
Cad Simulation Helps Hydrauvision Deal With Pressure
Simcenter FLOEFD in Solid Edge 2022
Simcenter FLOEFD in Solid Edge 2022
Pět osvědčených postupů pro snadné modelování ploch
Osvědčené postupy v oblasti modelování ploch se výrazně liší od modelování těles. Modelování ploch vyžaduje velkou míru flexibility a vynalézavosti, abyste zajistili, že tvar bude nejen estetický, ale také splní funkční požadavky. Jak můžete změnit svů…
曲面建模最佳实践与实体建模大不相同。曲面建模需要大量灵活性和创造性以确保创建的形状不仅美观,而且符合功能要求。如何改变方法并改进工作流程以便在计算机辅助设计 (CAD) 软件中创建更好的曲面几何体? 掌握曲面建模技术的五条最佳实践 在本电子书中,我们将介绍一些能够切实应用于项目的曲面建模最佳实践。 电子书包含哪些内容? 其中将介绍使用 CAD 软件创建曲面几何体的五条最佳实践。我们将综述改进常规曲面建模项目工作流程的技巧,包括如何进行以下操作: 定义模型的不同区域 确定模型每个区域的函数 确定每个功…
Las cinco mejores prácticas para dominar el modelado de superficies
Las mejores prácticas en el modelado de superficies difieren significativamente de las del modelado de sólidos. El modelado de superficies requiere una gran flexibilidad e inventiva para que la forma no solo sea estética, sino que también cumpla los re…