Performing electronics thermal simulation directly within your CAD system
Performing electronics thermal simulation directly within your CAD system
Thermal management for protecting the lifetime of a product

Performing electronics thermal simulation directly within your CAD system
Most of today’s products include electronics that we can interface with and that control the device. As the use of electronics increases, design engineers are increasingly faced with challenges of thermal management to keep device temperatures under control. Thermal management is essential to protecting the lifetime of a product, as well as for ensuring performance, reliability and safety.
This webinar will explore how electronics thermal simulation can be conducted by design engineers within familiar CAD environments, accounting for heat that flows from the chip through the printed circuit board (PCB) to the surrounding environment. We will explore all this while also considering the fast turnaround times required for a simulation-driven design approach.
In this on-demand webinar, you will learn how to:
- Set up a simulation project and evaluate results quickly
- Advance from CAD design to simulation results
- Perform detailed electronics thermal simulation
- Explore your design while optimizing for thermal management
About the presenter:
Boris Marovic
Boris Marovic is a Business Development Consultant at Siemens EDA and focuses on the Simcenter FLOEFD portfolio. Boris has 14 years of experience as an Application Engineer, Industry Manager, Technical Manager, and Business Development and has been working with SMBs and large enterprises of various industries worldwide.
Related resources:
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