Next Generation Design

Next Generation Design

What’s happening in the world of design now… and where will new technologies take us in the future? Join Allan Behrens, Managing Director and Principal Analyst, Taxal, and Al Dean, Editor in Chief and Co-Founder, Develop3D, as they discuss industry trends, new developments and the future of next generation design.

In this special episode from the creators of The IoT Show, Dean and Behrens discuss topics ranging from convergent modeling to generative design. What tasks in design and engineering could be automated? Will next generation technologies simplify the design process, or make it more complex? And how will the process of design and the roles of designers change, if at all?

Watch the video now to hear this and more from two thought leaders in the industry. (16:44)

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This episode was created with support from Siemens by Disruptive. Disruptive is part of the Compare the Cloud network and is the UK’s first tech TV channel. They cover some of the biggest technology events in the world as part of live shows, produce original content, explore cutting edge tech and interview the disruptive voices in the industry.

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