Requirements Management in Solid Edge 2019

Requirements Management in Solid Edge 2019

Product design is driven by requirements. It’s imperative to accurately link and track requirements during the product design and manufacturing process. Solid Edge addresses this with Requirements Management.

Take control of your data, including your requirements

Product design is driven by requirements. Solid Edge Requirements Management allows you to accurately link and track requirements during the product design and manufacturing process, helping you to deliver a successful product.

  • Seamless requirements management and tracking

Record, maintain and track key principles of design tasks – requirements. Embedded access makes it quick and easy for users to interact or search for work items and other tasks. Traceability benefits makes for better decision-making.

  • Instant access to product requirements

With a dashboard-like tab structure, users can instantly reference tasks or test cases to avoid costly oversights.

  • Requirement tagging to ensure traceability

To ensure accurate traceability, once a work item has been addressed, users can tag the specific requirement ID to the Solid Edge file.

  • Visibility into detailed actions related to tasks

A detailed list of actions performed on a specific task is only one-click away. Administrators and project managers can choose to allow user comments, link related work items and define other ways of interacting with the work item.

  • Easy communication with management and executives

With the link between design data and work items, 3D PDF files allow managerial decisions to be made without the need for those stakeholders to access the CAD system.