Items tagged with 数据管理


Requirements Management in Solid Edge 2019
Solid Edge Requirements Management allows you to accurately link and track requirements during the product design and manufacturing process.

Solid Edge 2019 需求管理

Improve Assembly Design
Solid Edge Assembly Modeling and Management Tools help you create and manage large assemblies without sacrificing performance, eliminating lags or crashes.


Managing Large Assemblies
Improve the performance of CAD system when managing large assemblies. Learn how to simplify your models, plan your drawings and optimize display effects.



Design Data Management
Improve your design data management maturity and achieve a productivity and business performance advantage using simpler design data management solutions.

Solid Edge Teamcenter Integration
Take advantage of Teamcenter Integration for Solid Edge.

Siemens ST10 产品组合

Solid Edge ST10
Solid Edge combines the speed and ease of direct modeling with the flexibility and control of parametric design, possible with synchronous technology.

Solid Edge 内置数据管理

Built-in Solid Edge Data Management
Solid Edge offers scalable CAD data management solutions that meet the needs of all manufacturers from startups to worldwide manufacturers.